Received an Award as The Fastest-growing Romanian Tech Start-up. What Made it All Possible?

3 min readNov 29, 2022

--’s team

Several months ago, around six years after I set the foundation of, the brand won an award as Romania’s second-biggest tech start-up.

While has also bagged many other awards over the previous years, this accomplishment of being recognized as one of the most successful Romanian tech start-ups is a special one for me. I, together with my team, have managed to reach this climax via consistent efforts and timely utilization of opportunities, along with a non-complacent mindset fixated on achieving further growth.

For those who are not sure what actually is, you should know that it is an all-inclusive sphere where you can trade CFDs on more than 2100 financial instruments, with the most reliable tools and features. At, we make online trading more accessible and easier for people worldwide.

Team effort is the primary driver of’s growth

While my team and I are immensely proud to have secured this latest award — based on the company’s positive cash flow and strong operational performance — let me tell you the primary reasons that have made it all possible, in my view.

I strongly believe that a business can only become successful when it is handled by a diversified team of experts. I designed based on this very approach and have witnessed its positive outcomes over the years. Our team at works on the basis of collective efforts, as a broader-level success can definitely not be staged with a one-man show.

The company is under the leadership of a skilled C-suite team, consisting of members from similar sectors or those who are promoted internally. I can assure you that they are efficiently managing more than 30 departments and 400 employees with joint collaboration.

Moreover, we have always focused on developing an operational framework equipped with resilience and scalability. Coupled with streamlining budgeting and compliant infrastructure, we have made remarkable progress that has ultimately led us to this award.

Illustration of a team working in technological space

We believe in building strong connections

Another important ingredient that has contributed to’s growth story is our “solid commitment to building valuable partnerships and connections.”

I have never believed in a hyper-growth strategy, as it involves many uncertainties. Why do something risky when you could propel growth gradually and steadily by maintaining solid fundamentals? This is how I moved forward and developed, and this is how I still do it today.

My team and I established a powerful foundation and eventually raised funds from family offices and private equity companies, to maintain our autonomous status. Maltese venture capital fund Growth Box Ventures, alongside investment company Moore & Moore Investments, are the biggest names that are currently funding our brand.

Thanks to this approach, not only do we stand with a stable framework but also enjoy the freedom of managing the growth prospects according to our pace.

Innovation must be a part of your gameplan

Moreover, I believe that to maintain a competitive edge in the market you have to offer some unique value to your clients. Under this vision, we are now soon set to launch a new and innovative tech arm, which is called CAPEX Tech.

This is a company of over 40 engineers who have developed an intuitive super-app. This application merges investing, trading, neo-banking, crypto, and alternative investment solutions, ultimately giving the users what they want in a very simplified manner.

Now if I talk about our team’s future strategy, what I know for sure is that we are not going to move away from our core values. We are aware that an optimal technological infrastructure, and the transparency of trading conditions, are both crucial in today’s trading world. As per this understanding, we plan to heavily focus on achieving further solid growth and augmenting the convenience of clients over the coming period.

